Today’s Hours:

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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Today’s Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Dragon Tail Recommends: Villainous Tales

Dragon Tail Recommends: Villainous Tales

Welcome to our third Dragon Tail Recommends list!  While I would never recommend a life of villainy, unless there is a lovely pile of gold involved to sleep on, let’s be honest, a good tale requires a good villain– or should I say one that is good at being...
Wild About Reading Booklist

Wild About Reading Booklist

With the theme of Summer Reading this year being Tails and Tales, we’ve prepared some fun booklists for you with a variety of nature themes. This one is all about nature and/or wilderness reads! Each book on this list has been suggested – and loved!...
Get Your Paws on a Good Book

Get Your Paws on a Good Book

With the theme of Summer Reading this year being Tails and Tales, we’ve prepared some fun booklists for you with a variety of nature themes. For this one, we’re looking at books that involve pets in some way. Each book on this list has been suggested...

Mystery Box with Unconventional Short Stories

Welcome to our mystery unboxing feature with Westfield librarians, with a new episode released on IGTV every month! In this episode, librarian Kelsey asked her colleagues for recommendations for unconventional, lyrical, and stylistically complex short fiction –...

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