Today’s Hours:

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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Today’s Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Handicrafts Book List

Looking for a fun project for yourself or your family? We’ve got you covered! Stop in and take a look at our handicrafts display, where you’ll see books on papercraft, pottery, pixelcraft, and more. And if you make something you love, please post it on social media...
The Pennsy Girls

The Pennsy Girls

Back in the 1940s, summer in Westfield meant the arrival of the “Pennsy Girls”. The Pennsy Girls were young women from economically disadvantaged areas of rural Pennsylvania who were recruited to Westfield (along with teachers who served as chaperones and camp...
Let’s Read Modern Classics

Let’s Read Modern Classics

When we think of reading the classics, often dusty tomes from the last two centuries come to mind. Yet there are many titles from the past few decades that have been so widely loved and read that they have become modern classics, earning their places on the shelves...
Our Favorite Beach Reads

Our Favorite Beach Reads

Summer is here! Whether you’re on the sand or on the couch, these beach reads will help you relax. Please note that if you find an author you like, you can look up more titles by that author or ask a librarian to help you.  Happy reading and chillaxing! ...

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