Summer Reading is may be over, but our new Fall Programming schedule is just beginning. The tip of the iceberg are our Book Clubs – one returning and one brand new! Readers of all types can find a group to discuss monthly books with at one of our two options.

First, making its happy return, is the Athenaeum Book Club. Continuing at its usual time of the 3rd Thursday of each month at 1 PM, this club focuses on literary fiction and nonfiction. For their first meeting on September 16th, they will be reading Afterlife by Julia Alvarez. Set in a world of tribalism and distrust, the book asks: What do we owe those in crisis in our families, including members of our human family? October 21st will be Inland by Tea Obreht and November 18th will be The Seven or Eight Deaths of Stella Fortuna by Juliet Grames. Interested participants should email Anne at to register, to get on the email list, or simply for more information.

We are also thrilled to announce the addition of our Speculative Fiction Book Club. Fans of science fiction, fantasy, and horror are invited to chat with other likeminded readers on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:30 PM. For their first meeting on September 14th, they will be reading Black Water Sister by Zen Cho. The main character of this story, Jessamyn Teoh, is closeted, broke and moving back to Malaysia when she starts hearing the ghost of her estranged grandmother in her head. On October 12th, they will read We Sold Our Souls by Grady Hendrix, and November 9th will be The Deep by Rivers Solomon. To register for the first meeting, click here to go to our event calendar. Future registrations will also be there.
There is no need to place requests for any of these books if you would like to attend, unless you would prefer the e-book or e-audiobook. Copies of the regular print and large print books, as well as CD audiobooks, are available at the Adult Circulation desk. Just come visit us and let us know you need the book for both or either club!