Today’s Hours:

9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

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Today’s Hours: 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Borrowing Museum Passes

Reserve a Pass 

The Athenaeum is pleased to offer online reservations! Click the button above to get started.

Passes may be reserved for the day you intend to use them, and may be booked up to a month in advance. Have any questions or want to reserve a pass in person? Stop by the Reference Desk or give us a call at (413) 568-7833 x4.

Please be aware that if you are reserving a physical pass we cannot guarantee it will be returned on time by the previous user.  The Westfield Athenaeum staff will assist in every way we can to retrieve the pass, but the system depends on courtesy between borrowers, please return promptly after use! 

Borrowing and Returning

Museum passes are available on a walk-in basis to anyone with a valid CW/MARS library card.

All passes are checked out for up to one day and must be returned before the library opens the next day. If you are traveling overnight or have special circumstances, we may be able to extend the loan period. Please ask at the time you make a reservation.

Museum passes must be returned directly to the Athenaeum. Passes can be returned at either the Circulation Desk or Reference Desk during business hours, or at the drop box in the wall next to the driveway after hours.

(No) Fines 

We no longer charge fines for overdue passes. However, lost passes will cost a mandatory replacement fee.

Many thanks to the Friends of the Westfield Athenaeum for funding this program!

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