Online Resources

Researching for school or a topic of personal interest? Need career resources, eBooks, newspaper access, or local history resources? You’ve come to the right page! If you are accessing our digital resources from home, you may need to login with a CW MARS library card. You can learn about how to sign up for an online-use only CW MARS card by visiting our Frequently Asked Questions page, and expanding the section on “How do I get a library card?”
In addition to all the digital resources available with a Westfield Athenaeum card, every Massachusetts resident is eligible for a free Boston Public Library eCard, available instantly online. These cards provide access to additional digital resources. Click here to learn more.
We are here and would love to hear from you! Please call us at (413) 568-7833 x2 to get an answer to any questions you may have about our services, ask a reference question or to chat about what you are reading! We are open Monday to Thursday 9 AM – 8 PM and Friday to Saturday 9 AM – 5 PM.
General Reference
- Search All Gale databases
- Search All Gale, Britannica, and Proquest databases at the Westfield Athenaeum
- Academic OneFile
- Research academic topics ranging from art and literature to economics and the sciences.
- Biography in Context
- Contains nearly a million biographical entries spanning history and geography. Updated daily.
- Britannica Moderna
- A Spanish-language encyclopedia for any reference questions for patrons of all ages.
- Criminal Justice Collection
- Targeted collection of 700+ journals covering criminal justice including law enforcement, paralegal topics, and homeland security.
- Encyclopedia Britannica
- Comprehensive encyclopedia meeting the reference needs for all patrons, from grade school students to business professionals.
- Gale LegalForms
- A collection of legal forms for a wide variety of categories, for both state and federal levels, as well as a series of legal definitions, and legal and attorney resources. Forms are available for download in Microsoft Word and Rich Text formats.
- General OneFile
- Access general interest magazines and key serials in a single resource. Best for general research.
- Global Issues in Context
- Opposing Viewpoints
- Covers timely issues from capital punishment to immigration to marijuana. This cross-curricular resource supports science, social studies, current events, and language arts classes. Informed, differing views help learners develop critical-thinking skills and draw their own conclusions.
- Fuel Economy Guide
- Find fuel economy data for new and used passenger vehicles, compare different models, and get fuel-saving tips.
- Kelley Blue Book
- Check car prices and values when buying and selling new or used vehicles. Find expert reviews and ratings, explore latest car news, and more.
- MA RMV Practice Tests
- Free practice for Massachusetts RMV driver’s license, commercial driving license, motorcycle license, and motorcycle endorsement tests.
- NADA – National Automobile Dealers Association
- Check values for cars, motorcycles, RVs, and boats on this free online resource.
Books & Literature
- Literature Resource Center
- Find up-to-date biographies, overviews, full-text criticisms, audio interviews, and reviews on writers from all eras.
- NoveList – in the library
- Like what you’re reading? In the mood for something specific? Check out NoveList’s recommendations for read-alikes and more!
- NoveList – from home
Businesses & Nonprofits
- Candid Learning
- A free resource from the Foundation Center that provides live and on-demand learning resources and tools to grantseekers.
- Gale OneFile: Insurance and Liability
- Discover information about physical and intellectual asset protection, from individuals to multinational corporations.
- Gale OneFile: Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Collection
- Discover well-rounded coverage of both the historical and current state of affairs in the hospitality and tourism industries.
Careers & Job Searching
- ERIC – Education Resources Information Center
- ERIC is an online library of education research and information sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education.
- MassHire Career Centers
- MassHire Career Centers serve as a vital link between workers and employers to bring about economic opportunity. Use one of the local MassHire Career Centers in person or online to build a resume, apply for jobs, get job-seeking advice, and more.
- Occupational Outlook Handbook
- Learn about occupations, projected wages, and more in this handbook created by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
- O*NET OnLine
- Build your future with O*NET OnLine. O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more! Browse groups of similar occupations to explore careers. Choose from industry, field of work, science area, and more.
- Peterson’s Career Prep
- Provides guidance and essential activities to both current job seekers and those investigating new career options. Key features include resume and cover letter creation support, interactive interview practice, and tools to match previous work or military experience to potential career paths.
- Peterson’s Test Prep
- Search thousands of college and graduate schools, identify scholarships, take practice tests, and use test prep eBooks.
- Vocation and Careers Collection
- Research a vocation, find an appropriate institution of learning, and get assistance on job searches and maintaining a career.
eBooks, Audiobooks & More
- Libby by Overdrive
- Get the Libby app! This version of Overdrive is more friendly for phones and tablets and makes the process of browsing Overdrive easier. Just log in with your Westfield Athenaeum library card to get access.
Health & Medicine
- Gale Health and Medicine
- Find up-to-date information on a range of health care topics. Best for students, researchers, and health care professionals.
- Gale Health and Wellness
- Offers 24/7 access to full-text medical journals, magazines, reference works, multimedia, and much more.
- Gale Nursing and Allied Health
- Research full-text titles cited in CINAHL and other resources to support specialized care, treatment, and patient management.
- Gale OneFile: Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Collection
- Access academic journals and magazines covering the fields of physical therapy, physical fitness, and sports medicine.
- Massachusetts Department of Mental Health
- Did you know there’s an entire department of the state government designed to help people with mental health struggles? This department has many resources that may be of interest for a variety of issues. If you or a loved one in a difficult place, check out their 24/7 chat and phone hotlines. If you’re experiencing an emergency, contact 911 instead.
- MedLinePlus
- A health information resource for patients and their families and friends. MedlinePlus is a service of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world’s largest medical library, which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
- Rick’s Place
- Rick’s Place offers free grief support groups. This space provides safe and respectful experiences for children and their families to begin to integrate their loss in healthy and meaningful ways and to feel less alone on their grief journey. Rick’s Place is currently helping students in the Westfield Public School system. Please reach out to them for more information at (413) 279-2010.
History & Genealogy
- AncestryLibrary
- Ancestry is one of the largest collections of genealogical records and information. This resource is accessible through library computers only.
- Digital Commonwealth
- This site provides access to photographs, manuscripts, books, audio recordings, and other materials of historical interest that have been digitized and made available by members of Digital Commonwealth, a statewide consortium of libraries, museums, archives, and historical societies from across Massachusetts.
- Digital Public Library of America
- EDWIN Online
- Digital access to select digitized Westfield Athenaeum archival collections.
- FamilySearch
- Free genealogy research site.
- U.S. History In Context
- Uncover information on hundreds of the most significant people, events, and topics in U.S. history from a variety of sources.
- Western Massachusetts Genealogical Society
- An organization founded in 1972, the Western Massachusetts Genealogical Society brings presentations and knowledge to your fingertips and is dedicated to help research and record family history. Check out their website and become a member today!
- Westfield Digital Microfilms Archives
- Did you know many of our microfilm collections have been digitized? View them online thanks to Community History Archive!
- World History In Context
- Gale OneFile: Agriculture
- Articles on farming, horticulture, and agriculture-related fields.
- Gale OneFile: Culinary Arts Collection
- Recipes, restaurant reviews, industry information, and more for those interested in the culinary arts.
- Gale OneFile: Gardening Landscape and Horticulture Collection
- Find millions of articles on the practical and scientific aspects of horticulture studies. For all horticultural enthusiasts.
- Gale OneFile: Home Improvement
- Articles on architectural technique, zoning, tools, and more.
Kids & Teens
- Britannica Escolar: Encyclopedia Britannica Spanish Edition
- Research topics in Spanish in this child-friendly online dictionary.
- Britannica Fundamentals
- Activities, games, and more in this children’s website by Encyclopedia Britannica. Learn while playing and exploring!
- Encyclopedia Britannica: Children’s Edition
- Gale in Context: Elementary
- Research a variety of elementary school topics with this easy to use database.
- Gale in Context: Middle School
- Research a variety of middle school topics with this easy to use database.
- Gale OneFile: High School Edition
- Get access to a range of helpful databases, newspaper articles, and magazines for high school students doing research.
- MA Driver’s License Practice Tests
- Free practice for Massachusetts RMV driver’s license, commercial driving license, motorcycle license, and motorcycle endorsement tests.
- PebbleGo
- Discover animals and learn about new people through this child-friendly resource on animals and biographies.
Language Learning and Translation
- Boston Public Library World Language Collections
- The Boston Public Library offers world language collections for over eighteen languages. Check out their collections here. If you are a resident of Massachusetts you can apply for a Boston Public Library e-Card here.
- ESOL Classes at the Athenaeum
- The Athenaeum hosts several English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes. While these programs are run by other organizations, you can find out more information here.
- ESOL and Literacy Courses in the Greater Westfield Area
- Are you or someone you know struggling with reading or understanding English? Other organizations outside of Westfield offer assistance in a number of ways. Check out the link above for more information.
- Transparent Language Online
- Language learning resource with 100+ languages. Learn to read, write, and speak the language through a variety of activities.
- UMASS Amherst Translation Center
- The Translation Center of the University of Massachusetts Amherst offers translation, interpreting, workshops, language consulting, and much more to a variety of clients including small businesses, multinational corporations, museums, law firms, hospitals, NGOs, filmmakers, advertising firms, educational institutions, and individuals.
Legal Support
- Ask a Law Librarian
- A state-provided way to find more information or locate a desired source. Law librarians cannot provide legal advice, but they can provide helpful websites to visit, forward information from a database, recommend books on a topic, or recommend a law library for in-person help.
- Gale LegalForms
- A collection of legal forms for a wide variety of categories, for both state and federal levels, as well as a series of legal definitions, and legal and attorney resources. Forms are available for download in Microsoft Word and Rich Text formats.
- Lawyer Referral Service
- The Hampden County Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral Service puts people in contact with the the lawyer they might need. This American Bar Association approved service can’t provide legal advice, but can match you with a lawyer based on your legal need.
Newspapers, Magazines & Journals
- Boston Globe
- Indexed coverage from 1980-present.
This is a catalog of newspapers put together by the Library of Congress, spanning 1690 to today.
- Gale OneFile: News
- Access major U.S. and international newspapers online to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, or other fields
- Gale OneFile: Popular Magazines
- Access the most searched magazines across Gale OneFile focusing on current events, sports, science, and health issues.
- General OneFile
- Access general interest magazines and key serials in a single resource. Best for general research.
- The New York Times (Gale database)
- Search the full text of The New York Times (1965-present).
- Western Massachusetts Newspapers including:
- The Advocate 02/10/2010-Current
- Amherst Bulletin 01/07/1994-Current
- Berkshire Eagle 12/31/2003-Current
- Daily Hampshire Gazette 01/03/1994-Current
- North Adams Transcript 11/25/2003-Current
- The Recorder 03/05/1997-Current
- The Republican 06/13/1988-Current
- Springfield Advocate 09/26/1996-04/12/1998
- Springfield Examiner 01/14/2011-Current
- The Valley Advocate 09/26/1996-Current
- Westfield Newspaper 1/1/1782-12/31/1962
- Looking for other dates of the Westfield News? We have many years available on microfilm. Call the reference department to learn more.
Science & Technology
- Environmental Studies and Policy Collection
- Investigate environmental issues with diverse perspectives from the scientific community, policymakers, and corporate interests.
- Environmental Studies in Context
- Understand environmental issues that affect people globally through topic overviews, journals, news, and multimedia content.
- FreeCodeCamp
- Learn to code at home for free with this non-profit site! Build coding skills and create practice sites to show off your work.
- Gale Interactive Science
- Various science-related 3D models and articles. Gives access to a wide array of practice activities for students to practice and experience science education visually.
- GFCGlobal: Computer Tutorials
- New to computers entirely? Looking for free classes on how to do – everything? This resource provides free tutorials on computer basics (using a mouse, keyboard, the internet, etc), the Microsoft Suite, email, how to implement technology into your work and life, and much more.
- ProQuest Science Database
- A growing resource of 7.3 million full text articles from over 1,600 sources. In full-text format, researchers have access to all the charts, diagrams, graphs, tables, photos, and other graphical elements so vital to scientific and engineering literature. It supports the needs of students studying applied and general sciences.
- Science in Context
- Understand context for hundreds of science topics through overviews, journals, news, interactive experiments, and more.