Today’s Hours:

9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

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Today’s Hours: 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Reserve a Room

How to Reserve a Room

Meeting room reservations may be made through the form above, by mail, email or calling 413-568-7833 ext 111. A completed application and pre-payment of the fee, if applicable, will be required and the Outreach Librarian will confirm the room availability. The signer of the agreement will be held responsible for any and all damages to the facilities. Checks should be made out to “The Westfield Athenaeum”. 

Please see our policies below before filling out the form.

Reserving a Study Room

The Westfield Athenaeum has two study rooms available to the public and free to use, one in the Children’s Library and one in the Reference area.

Adult Study Room Policies

Reservations for the adult study room can be made up to a month in advance. Reservations are available for up to two hours per day, and can be made over the phone or in person at the Reference Desk. Reservations are limited to one reservation per day for each person or group. If you have a special circumstance, such as an exam, let us know and we may be able to offer you a longer reservation.

Please check in at the Reference Desk when you arrive. If you do not show up for your scheduled booking within 15 minutes of the start time, the Westfield Athenaeum reserves the right to re-book the room for another patron.

There is a 6-person limit for this room. Patrons under the age of 18 may only use the study room if accompanied by an adult.

Children’s Study Room Policies

Reservations for the children’s study room are taken over the phone or in person on the same day as the reservation only. Reservations can be made for anyone under the age of 18 for up to 2 hours per day, though library age requirements still apply (see our Patron Behavior Policy). Patrons over the age of 18 may only use the study room if accompanying a minor.

Available Group Rooms

The Westfield Athenaeum has a variety of rooms available for group use.


Maximum Capacity


Florence Rand Lang Auditorium 125 people Theatre-style risers, air conditioned, large projection screen, convenient public restrooms
Jasper Rand Art Museum 50 people Large airy museum gallery space off the main lobby
Boys and Girls Activity Room 30 people Accessible restroom, sink, child sized furniture
Committee Room 20 people Classroom with white boards, smart board, projector and convenient public restrooms

Wireless high speed internet and portable audiovisual equipment is available in all public meeting rooms             

Rental Fees

Non profit groups receive the first 2 hours free and 50% of the For-Profit rate for every hour after that. Proof of non-profit status may be requested at the time the meeting room reservation request is made.  A fee of $100 per hour will be charged for both Non-Profit and For-Profit after normal operating hours. Setup and breakdown time outside of the 4 hour block would be charged the noted additional fee. Any time a rental would disallow the public from using either the Rand Art Gallery or the Reed Room would be considered rental time e.g. setup in advance for a private event that causes the space to be closed to the public. Advanced notice is required for any closure.


Base Rate

Additional Fees

Florence Rand Lang Auditorium $100 up to 4 hours per day $150 for additional hours up to 4
Jasper Rand Art Museum $200 up to 4 hours per day $250 for additional hours up to 4
Boys and Girls Activity Room $100 up to 4 hours per day $150 for additional hours up to 4
Committee Room $100 up to 4 hours per day $150 for additional hours up to 4  

Meeting Room Reservation Policy

Space may be reserved up to 3 months in advance of the day the room(s) will be used, on a space available basis. 

Payment for a room rental must be recieved 10 days before the event. Cancellation of a reservation must be reported at least 5 business days before the scheduled date to receive a 50% refund. Room reservations may be rescheduled when requested at no additional cost. Failure to cancel or to appear for a reservation will result in the loss of funds. The Athenaeum reserves the right to refuse service to patrons who have an outstanding meeting room use bill. 

A copy of the meeting room reservation policy will be provided with the application for meeting room use. A reservation will not be confirmed until the Outreach Librarian  receives a completed application form. 

Room capacities must not be exceeded. Groups using the meeting rooms should request the number of chairs and tables that will be needed in the room on the meeting room application form, along with the need for any audiovisual equipment. Groups may arrange the furniture in the room according to their own needs. Following the meeting, the furniture and equipment must be returned to their original arrangement. Groups are responsible for leaving the room in a neat and orderly condition. 

No mounting of materials is permitted on the walls or windows of the meeting rooms. Easels are available for use if needed. 

At least two adults must accompany groups of minors 17 years of age and younger. 

Groups may serve pre-packaged or store bought refreshments, no homemade food is allowed. For groups wishing to serve more substantial refreshments, we highly recommend that food and drink are provided through a licensed caterer. Exceptions must be approved by the Outreach Librarian and the Library Director.  To serve wine or beer, prior authorization from the Library Director, proof of liquor liability and a liquor license issued by the City of Westfield’s License Commission must be provided.Groups must bring in all of their own supplies, including table linens. Groups serving refreshments must remove all leftover food and drink following the meeting. 

Smoking and vaping is prohibited inside the Athenaeum, including the meeting rooms, as well as on the grounds outside. 

The Athenaeum is not responsible for the loss of any personal belongings or any injuries sustained in meetings not sponsored by the Library. 

The meeting rooms are available during regular operating hours of the Athenaeum. Please consult the website at for the up to date hours. All meetings and programs must end 15 minutes prior to closing. 

If you wish to reserve a meeting room outside of the Athenaeum’s normal business hours, permission may be granted, however, an additional after hours fee of $100 an hour will be charged based on the number of hours the meeting will be held outside of the Athenaeum’s normal business hours.

Meeting rooms will not be available when the Athenaeum is closed due to emergency conditions or due to inclement weather. Please check local listings and for updates.

In accordance with the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, the Athenaeum does not limit the use of its meeting rooms based on the subject matter or content of the meeting, or on the beliefs or affiliations of the meeting’s sponsors. 

Use of the meeting rooms does not imply endorsement, support of co-sponsorship by the Westfield Athenaeum of the activities that take place in the meeting rooms, or the beliefs of the group(s) using the meeting rooms. 

Groups using the meeting rooms may not imply that the event or program is being sponsored, co-sponsored, or endorsed by the Westfield Athenaeum in any advertising or publicity without prior authorization from the Library Director. The Library Director reserves the right to prohibit use of the meeting rooms based on applicable federal, state and local laws. 

Groups failing to comply with any part of this policy or the established procedures will be denied further use of the meeting rooms. 

Please direct any questions or concerns about this policy to the Outreach Librarian or Library Director. We hope you enjoy using the Athenaeum’s meeting rooms for your program or event.

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