Veteran Interviews
Preserve Your Legacy!
The Athenaeum is pleased to announce a collaboration with the Veterans Services Department of Westfield designed to preserve the stories of members of the military. Through this partnership we hope to be able to record the oral histories of many Westfield veterans. We are putting out a request to all Westfield veterans. Come record your stories with our archivist so your experience is secure for future generations!
This is your golden opportunity to have your story recorded for the historical record and shared with the community. Interviews will be filmed with our Archivist and Digital Services Librarian. A copy of your oral history interview will be safely stored in the Athenaeum Archives for future generations to learn from. If permission is given by the participant, edited versions of the interview will be shared with the general public on our website, our Facebook page, and YouTube channel.
If you want to share your story for the record but feel uncomfortable with having your story out in the public, we’re happy to film your interview, but restrict it from being seen by the public for a designated period requested by the veteran. Restricted time periods may range from as little as ten years to as much as fifty years.
Director Julie Barnes had this to say on the project. “As the Director of Veteran Services, I have heard amazing stories of heroism and heartbreak from our Westfield veterans. Having a documented oral history from [the veteran community] will allow future generations to hear directly from the servicemen/women to understand the realities of war. From Purple Heart recipients with tales of life-threatening wartime injuries, to heartbreaking accounts of veterans separated from loved ones while serving their country, these oral histories will expose the audience to a story that might not otherwise be told and a perspective the civilian audience might not experience. Even though it has become almost obligatory to say ‘thank you for your service’, most people don’t ask about the veteran’s story. By sharing their stories, veterans may help themselves process and understand their experiences and help others get a glimpse into military service.”
Schedule an Interview
Interview times are open! We will continue to accept interviews at least until the end of the year, with the potential to continue into 2024 if enough interest is generated. Interested veterans can learn more about the project and set up an interview appointment with our Archivist at (413) 568-7833 x110, or by emailing You can also request an interview appointment here.
Item Donation Drive
As part of this project, the Athenaeum will also be opening its Archives to donations of items veterans would like preserved, such as photographs, service records, medals, or other small goods. Larger items, such as uniforms, may be considered for inclusion in the collection based on the needs of the Athenaeum. Contact our Archivist to learn more or ask about specific items.